Breast augmentantion stem cells trials in London

A British private hospital plans to introduce in the United Kingdom a new type of surgery can increase the breast size from tissue stem cells taken from other parts of the body, according to The Sunday Times.
According to the newspaper, while there is already a research program that analyzes this technique to apply to breast cancer patients, the London Breast Institute has initiated a series of tests with the aim of providing treatment to paying customers.
The technique involves extracting stem cells from excess fat from the stomach or thighs and implant them and let them develop in the breast, whose size can be increased to a size.
According to the Sunday, this treatment, the application in healthy women is controversial, for possible long term could be available within six months in the British private sector, at a cost of about 6 thousand 500 pounds (almost 10 thousand dollars) .
Professor Kefah Mokbel of that institute, contends that this technique already used in Japan for cosmetic reasons, is better than implants, as it is native tissue with natural feel and, in principle, has fewer contraindications.
However, even allows you to enlarge, this surgery does not provide strength or chest rises, says the newspaper.