The intervention of lipostructure was invented by Dr. Sydney Coleman, which has its U.S. office in New York, who began the practice of this breast treatment in 1995. In truth is not simply an evolution of lipofilling: is finding of fat cells removed through very fine needles from some areas of the body, making them consistent in separating the fat from the blood by centrifugal fast, then inserting it back in part to be treated that may be the abdomen, buttocks, breast, face, neck or thighs.
Everything looks fantastic and the treatment actually works and is also supported by various studies, one of the main problems is the absorption of their fat. Those who carry out lipostructure define it as an intervention "permanent" but that is not seen that over the years you can lose 50% of the shape of its fat being absorbed by your body. The results of lipostructure begin to be noticeable after about 3 months and although there are specific complications can occur phenomena of "overcorrection" or too fat injected into the part to be treated which can lead to the formation of bumps removed only surgically, not with a next liposuction.
The prices of lipostructure are very different. You will need about six thousand dollars for breast augmentation, 3 thousand for the face area, 10-15 thousand for a treatment that provides more body parts such as legs, buttocks and abdomen area.