Many women are frightened about the idea of breastfeed their baby after had a breast augmentation. The fear concerns about aesthetic appearance of the chest or about the health of the baby.
Women with breast implants can breastfeed their babies safely. However prostheses can affect the ability of some women to breastfeed their babies. The location of the incision around the areola or in the middle of it, may impede breastfeeding because it can damage the ducts (the leading milk).
To avoid interfering with future breastfeeding, it is better to use submammary or armpit as a gateway for the surgery operation.
Can the way my surgery was done affect the ability to breastfeed babies?
There have been studies that indicate that women with breast implants, cohesive gel either silicone or saline, do not show increased amounts of silicone in breast milk than women without implants. Recall that the silicone is a derivative of silicon (a mineral). Is unlikely to cause problems because silicon is present in cow's milk and infant formula milk at a concentration higher than in milk from mothers with implants.
Breastfeed will change the result of the intervention?
The shape of the breast will change during and after pregnancy. These changes may include increased and decreased in volume (atrophy) and stretch marks. But these changes can occur even if mums won't feed a baby.
According to a new study presented at a conference organized by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast-feeding were not connected with the fall of the chest.
If the woman has breast implants, breast can change with pregnancy, and these changes may call for additional surgery. Changes may occur regardless of whether the woman breastfed or not.
How much we have to wait for breastfeed after a breast enlargement surgery?
Although there is no specific waiting period, we believe it prudent to wait at least 10 months after breast augmentation surgery.
Breastfeeding can cause a capsular contracture?
With breastfeeding, some women suffer from mastitis (inflammation of the milk ducts). mastitis may cause capsular contracture. Taking antibiotics when symptoms first appear reduces the problem You should always inform your doctor of any signs of inflammation. To minimize the risks in the short, medium and long term, is very important that the breast augmentation surgery is performed by a good plastic surgeon.
Voices against.
We also found opinions against feeding a baby after breast augmentation. Dr. Fernando de los Santos, head Senología Unit, Hospital Materno Infantil, Málaga (Spain), believes that: "it is debatable. I do not permit it, first because there are artificial feeding, although not as good as natural, it is good enough. And second because the mastitis that can occur in infancy leads to the removal of the prosthesis".
Some recommendations:
-Check with your plastic surgeon.
-remembere that you can choose breast augmentation with Macrolane without the use of the scalpel
-If you have children, you may want to wait for them for the surgery of the breasts. In this way there will be no interference with breastfeeding and may be corrected for changes in shape or firmness of the breast with pregnancy.
-Breastfeeding is very important for the development of the baby. If you care more about the appearance of your breasts than the health of your baby, perhaps you should think about whether you are prepared to take and care for a child.